The game is in development...

"Far from the light" is a horror 3D game on "Brackeys Game Jam 2024.1" and made in 7 days, actually 3 days. I didn't have time to add the intro and ending, but I think this game deserves to get a shot!


  • If the game slows down or the blur effect is too strong, you can lower the graphics of the game - press Tab and select graphic settings


  • The WebGL version of the game may be unstable and very slow and lag!!!
  • be careful there are loud sounds in the game !!!

Most of the scripts are mine, some are from unity assets, some are from older projects,
but you can check them out for yourself because it's an open source project:

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i don't even played it.


Deleted 285 days ago
Deleted 285 days ago
Deleted 285 days ago